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Makin' Boss Moves: Ways to Make Friends that Inspire You. By: Erika Pope

Erika Pope Instagram: @therealmrspope

“If you look at the people in your circle, and don’t get inspired, then you don’t have a circle, you have a cage.”

It’s a sign, you need new friends. Making friends as a child is tough, but as an adult – it’s even harder.  But it’s not enough to just “have friends”, you need to make sure your friends are on your level and inspire you to go higher! Here are a few things you can do to push yourself into social situations, with people who will inspire you to reach new heights. 

Love from a distance

In order to attract the type of friends you need and now want you will have to detox from the relationships that aren’t harboring good energy and inspiration. The right friends will be detoured from you if you are surrounding yourself with individuals that aren’t of the same mindset and maturity level. 

Don’t be Afraid to Solo it!

I know it sounds weird, who wants to go somewhere alone? But, this is a moment for you to reflect…if you go to an event with your friends does it actually allow you to take the time to connect with others? Probably not, right?! This is what I like to call friend blocking. It’s similar to you not taking a date to speed dating.  Sometimes you need to force yourself to talk to somebody you don’t already know. If you’re into live music, make it a point to scope out local venues and catch a show. If you love to read, find a local bookstore and attend a reading by an author. If you love art, stroll into an art show. The great thing about this is, you know you will have something in common with the others at the event. 

Slide in them DM’s

It’s time to put the Social back into Social Media. While, Facebook may not be what it use to be, Instagram’s algorithm is always confusing and twitter is slowly making a comeback, social media can still be a tool for finding and connecting with new friends. Stop just posting pictures for the likes, actually spend time investigating groups and people who inspire you. On Facebook specifically, find a group of like-minded users you can join. Also, don’t underestimate the power of LinkedIN! As corny as it sounds this is my personal favorite social platform. It is the premiere hub for business professionals, you’re next business bestie could be on there – waiting on you! 

Say Yes, to the Invitation 

If you get invited to coffee or lunch, just say yes, period. Don’t make excuses for why you can’t go. If you want to get out the “cage” of friends you have, accepting the invitation is the first steps. Just Do it, girl! 

Don’t Beat yourself up 

Building Friendships takes time. Don’t get discouraged if someone flakes on you, or the connection isn’t there. Keep putting yourself out there, and eventually you’ll find someone who inspires you and enjoys co-working sessions and wine just as much as you! 😊 Just like with anything else these things take time and don’t happen over night.

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