Where we work to create change
At Muna My Doula, her role is to empower her clients to have their ideal birth and postpartum experience by offering emotional, physical and informational support. Her goal is to leave you with a sense of achievement and control over your birth while also allowing you to foster self-determination during the postpartum stage.
Dangggercat is a clothing brand based in Portland O.R. Designing and creating unique and inspirational clothing items in the premiere Northwest! HOW DID YOU USE YOUR NINE LIVES!?
First official drop 8-30-19 : PANGGGAEA GLOBAL CITIZENS

I’m a recent college graduate from Michigan State University. I knew that I wanted to start creating content and documenting my career journey. Hopefully you find some value in my writing and photography on this blog.
I hope this blog inspires you to create your own content, document your day to day life, and grow your business!

The Creative Podcast
The Creative Podcast is a podcast where creatives are encouraged and celebrated in their processes to success.
Coming soon!

Coming soon!
MicroInterior allows drivers of all “Ride Sharing” platforms (Uber,Lyft,JustPark Juno,etc.) to monetize the inside of their drive space. Allowing drivers to choose from our compiled list of advertisers, then displaying them on the interior of their vehicle (usually on the back of the driver and passenger head rest.)

Coming soon
Coming Soon to La Grande, OR!